LOVVES - High Natural Cosmetics
High Natural Cosmetics

After years of research carried out with passion and competence, we share with our customers a line of products with a clear goal: skin rejuvenation for all skin types through safe and effective products, creams and serums with natural formulations selected, unique and innovative.
LOVVES revolutionizes the world of skin care and cosmetics through products that exploit the essence of NATURE .
The aging process must be experienced by women (and man) in a positive way, without feelings of insecurity, recognizing their value and beauty exactly as we are. As we age, we often become happier, wiser and more authentically ourselves. LOVVES wants to help create this female consciousness by supporting women of all ages, enhancing their natural beauty with specially designed cosmetic products.

We have combined skills and passion to obtain a rigorously Made in Italy line capable of guaranteeing compliance with production protocols with the highest quality standards but always with the aim of putting women at the center and the satisfaction of his expectations.
The natural active ingredients deriving from organic farming with which LOVVES cosmetics are produced allow those who use them to obtain the expected results, with a rejuvenating effect already after a few days of application, within a process of perfect harmonization and compatibility with the skin we take care of. Our line comes from constant innovation and the search for balance between nature and well being. All the raw materials used in the formulation of our cosmetics are totally safe and effective.

The fragrance of LOVVES cosmetics is deliberately light precisely in compliance with a phytocosmetic philosophy of beauty that is based on the natural and sustainable concept of formulations that do not require the presence of chemical additives, if not to an extent strictly necessary. Our watchword is “less is more as women age”. In fact, let's not forget that the parfume inside a cosmetic product represents the first allergen and the main cause of dermatological reactions.

Continuous investments in research and development are always aimed at guaranteeing consumer safety which for us is an essential aspect. We devote extreme attention to the creation of each cosmetic; skin compatibility tests, chemical and bacteriological analyzes, and stability tests on the entire production process are carried out scrupulously. These internal control activities in our laboratories are flanked by external tests carried out by leading University Cosmetology Centers. All products LOVVES are certified and dermatologically tested , as well as specifically tested for the presence of Nickel and are therefore safe for all those with allergies to this element.

At LOVVES we are of the idea that Beauty and Wellness must go hand in hand, pursuing the former cannot be at the expense of the latter and vice versa. We care about your beauty and we want to take care of your person but we want to do it with natural products of very high quality whose proven effectiveness, through daily use, allows you to fight the signs of skin aging that physiologically they manifest themselves through wrinkles, loss of firmness and elasticity of the skin, opacity and dehydration.
We believe that Cosmetics is a serious matter and we will never be grateful enough to the many of our customers who daily, and by now from years, confirm the goodness of our work and encourage us to strengthen our commitment to a process of continuous improvement. Thank you !
LOVVES High Natural Cosmetics is always by your side…the solution to every woman's desire!
Rewind age with LOVVES! What are you waiting for to rewind your age?